Now, that's true fame!
True Fame: The Blade Itself Immortalized as a Comic
Posted by
Lou Anders
Gene Ambaum and Bill Barnes's Unshelved, "the world's only daily comic strip set in a public library, "has just done a comic strip devoted to Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself.
Now, that's true fame!
Now, that's true fame!
Metatemporal Detective: Best of 2007
Posted by
Lou Anders

One of ours pops up under Collections:
"Michael Moorcock's The Metatemporal Detective
Locus Online: Best of 2007
Posted by
Lou Anders
Jeff Vandermeer has posted his 2007: The Best of the Year list over on LocusOnline. I'm thrilled to see a few Pyr mentions.
From the Best Novels list:
"On the science fiction side, Ian McDonald reaffirmed his excellence with Brasyl,
which contains three separate narrative strands describing the Brazil of past, present, and future. The novel is a tour de force of storytelling momentum, with a level of invention that represents a master at the top of his form. McDonald is an amazing stylist, yes, but here it’s all about motion. He does a wonderful job of including his trademark detailed and inventive description while making sure nothing in this complex, often beautiful novel is static."
"Kay Kenyon's Bright of the Sky,
after a slow first seventy pages, knocked my socks off with its brilliant evocation of a quest through a parallel universe that has a strange river running through it. Unique in conception, like Larry Niven's Ringworld, this is the beginning to what should be an amazing SF-Fantasy series."
From the Best Anthologies list:
" Another first volume of a new original series, the Lou Anders-edited Fast Forward 1
featured thought-provoking speculative takes on making sense of our (post)modern world by, among others, Ken MacLeod, Gene Wolfe, and Nancy Kress. Consistently interesting, this SF anthology fills a gap, as most of the current spate of anthologies seems skewed toward the fantasy side of things."
And from Notable Reprints:
"...The Blade Itself
by Joe Abercrombie, a rough-and-tumble, bold new voice in the heroic fantasy ranks."
All good to read!
From the Best Novels list:
"On the science fiction side, Ian McDonald reaffirmed his excellence with Brasyl,
From the Best Anthologies list:
" Another first volume of a new original series, the Lou Anders-edited Fast Forward 1
And from Notable Reprints:
"...The Blade Itself
All good to read!
Tides: One of the Best Novels in Print
Posted by
Lou Anders
Yup. That's Grasping for the Wind.
On Scott Mackay's Tides.
'Nuf said.
Kay's New Website
Posted by
Lou Anders
- Inside views of the Universe Entire (Universe Extras)
- How to get signed copies of Bright of the Sky in trade paper.
- Full color artwork of the series covers by the phenomenal Stephan Martiniere.
- Where Kay will be showing up around the country.
- Sample of Kay's e-newsletter.
Mercenary has Mass
Posted by
Lou Anders
Don D'Ammassa's Critical Mass, on Mike Resnick's Starship: Mercenary:
"Wilson Cole and his crew are back for their third outing. ...The story is very episodic, chronicling their adventures as they perform a rescue mission, foil an extortion plot, and evacuate hospital, among other things. In each case, Cole is able to prevail through his wits as much as his gunnery, but of course the author has set the situation up that way. Although in a sense this is somewhat contrived, it isn't obvious and Resnick has come up with some clever ploys for outsmarting the bad guys. The characters are flimsier than in his more serious novels, but the storytelling is as good as ever and we genuinely regret it when he and his former ally, the Valkyrie, find themselves on opposite sides. The ability to write good space opera is increasingly a misplaced, if not entirely lost art, but Resnick knows how to draw on a hidden lode of it. Lightweight but genuine fun."
Before They Are Hanged: Beating the Middle Book Syndrome with a Starred Review
Posted by
Lou Anders

Joe Abercrombie
This grim and vivid sequel to 2007’s The Blade Itself transcends its middle volume status, keeping the reader engaged with complicated plotting and intriguing character development... Abercrombie leavens the bloody action with moments of dark humor, developing a story suffused with a rich understanding of human darkness and light. (Mar.)
--Publishers Weekly, starred review, January 21, 2008
Paragaea: Old Fashion Aventure!
Posted by
Lou Anders
Comic book scribe Ron Fortier has posted a review of Chris Roberson's Paragaea: A Planetary Romance
on his Pulp Fiction Reviews site, and seems to have liked it.
"Hold on to your hats! When you open this book you are in for a rip-roaring, old fashion adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burrough’s planet stories... Their quest is a lively action filled romp that I enjoyed to the max and was sorry to reach the end all too quickly. It does end with several unresolved plots that I hope will be handled in forthcoming sequels. Heironymous, Leena and Balam are three of the best adventure heroes ever created and I’m so happy to have made their acquaintance. It’s an experience I’d like to repeat and soon. So will you."
SciFiNow: Best of 2007
Posted by
Lou Anders
Here's the full list:
1) Halting State (Stross) - ORBIT
2) Stealing Light (Gibson) – TOR UK
3) Brasyl (McDonald) – PYR/GOLLANCZ
4) The Metatemporal Detective (Moorcock) - PYR
5) Helix (Brown) - SOLARIS
Congratulations to Ian and Mike! We're very proud.
Time-Drinking Never Tasted So Good
Posted by
Lou Anders
.jpg) Which of the following best describes your metatemporal detective, Seaton Begg (and why): “time-drunk slave to his insatiable appetites”, “linear successor to the hardboiled eccentrics of Dashiell Hammett,” “debonair ladies man who hardly has time out of the sack to solve crimes.”
Michael Moorcock: All of them.
Year's Best SF & Fast Forward 1
Posted by
Lou Anders
The stories, Paul Di Filippo's "Wikiworld," and Ken MacLeod's "Jesus Christ, Reanimator." Congratulations, guys!
SFSite's Best of 2007
Posted by
Lou Anders
Greg's #2 choice for 2007 is Ian McDonald's Brasyl,
And coming in at #1, Kay Kenyon's Bright of the Sky,
Congratulations to both Ian and Kay!
Politics and Action: Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together
Posted by
Lou Anders
The second was the way he so seamlessly interwove action and political intrigue, and the coin toss it was to decide which was the more gripping. So it was really gratifying to see so many reviews stating things like "I can't wait to get through the action to the next political discussion." Not something you expect to see, right? Since then, I've held Joel up many times as the epitome of what a good SF novel can be - I mean, it has synthetic warrior women leaping out of flying cars with machine guns blazing, and is also a masterful examination of what it means to be human and the ramifications of artificial life, chocked full of strong female protagonists. It's smart, it's deep, it's fast-paced, it's action packed, it would make a hell of a good movie or tv series, and it's quintessential SF.
So this latest review from Rob H. Bedford of SFFWorld makes me smile. Since it just confirms everything above, "I also found the political maneuvering to parallel the action very well, much like the previous two volumes. Shepherd’s adept hand at balancing these two differently flavored adrenaline inducing types of scenes continues to be a strong point in his writing."
See? Rob continues, "Another strength that comes to the fore in Killswitch
Hey hey!
He concludes, "With this trilogy complete, Shepherd has proven his ability to deliver politically and action charged science fiction. ...the books stand well together as good action-packed Science Fiction. Kresnov is a strong character and a very human non-human character at that. Killswitch is a nice ending to the trilogy and a culmination of Sandy’s journey."
Thanks Rob. I couldn't agree more!
Starship: Mercenary Scores a Hit
Posted by
Lou Anders
Why, the book is "just the kind of sci-fi that I can see myself reading more of… it’s fun and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. A clever blend of ‘military sci-fi’ and ‘space opera’ that is just the job for a trip into work or a lazy weekend. Seven and a Half out of Ten."
Now, if that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.
Williams, Avery, McDonald, Oh My!
Posted by
Lou Anders

Meanwhile, The Book Swede takes us all the way back to our first season with a review of Fiona Avery's historical fantasy, The Crown Rose.
And Gardner Dozois has posted the contents of his forthcoming The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fifth Annual Edition. I'm thrilled that "Sanjeev and Robotwallah" by Ian McDonald has made the list, as it appeared originally in my own Fast Forward 1.
Finally, we've uploaded a few more book pages from our 2008 season. Click "Forthcoming" on the left to see if you are on the Pyr site, and if you are viewing this through a feed click here.
2nd Starred Review in PW for Kay Kenyon's Entire & the Rose
Posted by
Lou Anders
Publishers Weekly has given a starred review to Kay Kenyon's forthcoming A World Too Near.
This is the second such for The Entire and The Rose series, as the first book, Bright of the Sky,
was also starred (and went on to make their Best Books of the Year list too).

A World Too Near Kay Kenyon Pyr, $25 (456p) ISBN 978-1-59102-642-6
comes out next month. And I just finished reading the manuscript to book three, City Without End, and can't imagine it's going to do any less.

"The fate of two universes hangs in the balance in this intricately plotted sequel to Bright of the Sky (2007)....Tangled motivations, complex characters and intriguing world-building will keep readers on the edges of their seats."
Perfect timing too, as the paperback of Bright of the SkyGradisil Short-listed for the PKD Award
Posted by
Lou Anders
2007 Philip K. Dick Award Nominees Announced
The judges of the 2007 Philip K. Dick Award and the Philadelphia SF Society are pleased to announce seven nominated works that comprise the final ballot for the award:
GREY by Jon Armstrong (Night Shade Books)
UNDERTOW by Elizabeth Bear (Bantam Spectra)
FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF DR. BRAIN by Minister Faust (Del Rey)
NOVA SWING by M. John Harrison (Bantam Spectra)
GRADISIL by Adam Roberts (Pyr)
ALLY by Karen Traviss (Eos)
SATURN RETURNS by Sean Williams (Ace Books)
First prize and any special citations will be announced on Friday, March 21, 2008 at Norwescon 31 at the Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport, SeaTac, Washington.
The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the award ceremony is sponsored by the NorthWest Science Fiction Society. Last year's winner was SPIN CONTROL by Chris Moriarty (Bantam Spectra) with a special citation to CARNIVAL by Elizabeth Bear
(Bantam Spectra). The 2007 judges are Steve Miller, Chris Moriarty (chair), Steven Piziks, Randy Schroeder, Ann Tonsor Zeddies.
For more information, contact the award administration:
David G. Hartwell (914) 769-5545.
Gordon Van Gelder (201) 876-2551
For more information about the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society,
Contact Gary Feldbaum (215) 563-2511
For more information about Norwescon:
Contact NorthWest SF Society: (360) 438-0871
Michael Moorcock: Top 50 English Language Writers since 1945
Posted by
Lou Anders

Killswitch: The Heroine Bionic Woman Should Have Been
Posted by
Lou Anders
JP says he even paused in his playing of a videogame to read. Can there be any higher praise in our current century?
For Your Consideration: Pyr Books I Edited in 2007
Posted by
Lou Anders
Since everybody's doing it, here's my 2007 output. Or rather, here are the 17 books that Pyr released in 2007, on which I served as editor, in order of appearance.
The Man Who Melted, Jack Dann (reprint)
Fast Forward 1, Edited by Lou Anders (anthology)
Gradisil, Adam Roberts
Keeping It Real, Justina Robson
Breakaway, Joel Shepherd
Bright of the Sky, Kay Kenyon
Context, John Meaney (paperback after hardcover)
Brasyl, Ian McDonald
The Hanging Mountains, Sean Williams
Hurricane Moon, Alexis Glynn Latner
Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future, Mike Resnick (reprint)
The Blade Itself, Joe Abercrombie
River of Gods, Ian McDonald (paperback after hardcover)
The Metatemporal Detective, Micheal Moorcock
Selling Out, Justina Robson
Killswitch, Joel Shepherd
Starship: Mercenary, Mike Resnick
More on these titles on the catalog page of the Pyr website, including substantial excerpts for many of them.
The Man Who Melted, Jack Dann (reprint)
Fast Forward 1, Edited by Lou Anders (anthology)
Gradisil, Adam Roberts
Keeping It Real, Justina Robson
Breakaway, Joel Shepherd
Bright of the Sky, Kay Kenyon
Context, John Meaney (paperback after hardcover)
Brasyl, Ian McDonald
The Hanging Mountains, Sean Williams
Hurricane Moon, Alexis Glynn Latner
Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future, Mike Resnick (reprint)
The Blade Itself, Joe Abercrombie
River of Gods, Ian McDonald (paperback after hardcover)
The Metatemporal Detective, Micheal Moorcock
Selling Out, Justina Robson
Killswitch, Joel Shepherd
Starship: Mercenary, Mike Resnick
More on these titles on the catalog page of the Pyr website, including substantial excerpts for many of them.
In with the New Year, Out with the Old
Posted by
Lou Anders
A few more end of the year round ups showing up.
John of SFSignal posts his 2007: A Year in Review - John's Take. He lists his personal favorite reads from the year - not necessarily all books published in 2007, but all books he read, liked, and rated a 4.5/5 or higher. Two Pyr books make the list: Martin Sketchley's The Liberty Gun
and Mike Resnick's Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future.
Meanwhile, over at Futurismic, Tomas Martin takes A New Year's Look at 2007's Science Fiction. Listing his Top Five Books of 2007, we're pleased to see Joel Shepherd tying with himself in fifth place for Breakaway
and Killswitch,
Ian McDonald coming in at number three for Brasyl,
and (thank you) a "special mention" for my own Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge.
Meanwhile, the interestingly titled The Breathing Corpse blog lists The Years Best Reads - Science Fiction. Mike Resnick's Starship: Pirate
and New Dreams for Old
both make the list with the comments that, "I read a bunch of Mike Resnick this year but these are the best. Starship: Mercenary
is out now and I'll be reading it soon. Resnick is now one of my favorite writers." Meanwhile, their 2008's Books I Can't Wait to Read includes several Resnick titles as well, including the forthcoming Stalking the Vampire: A Fable of Tonight.
John of SFSignal posts his 2007: A Year in Review - John's Take. He lists his personal favorite reads from the year - not necessarily all books published in 2007, but all books he read, liked, and rated a 4.5/5 or higher. Two Pyr books make the list: Martin Sketchley's The Liberty Gun
Meanwhile, over at Futurismic, Tomas Martin takes A New Year's Look at 2007's Science Fiction. Listing his Top Five Books of 2007, we're pleased to see Joel Shepherd tying with himself in fifth place for Breakaway
Meanwhile, the interestingly titled The Breathing Corpse blog lists The Years Best Reads - Science Fiction. Mike Resnick's Starship: Pirate
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