We've just received word this morning that Adam Roberts' brilliant near future novel of space colonization and revenge,
has been nominated by the
Libertarian Futurist Society for the prestigious 2008
Prometheus Award. Established in 1979, the Prometheus Award is one of the oldest fan-based awards in SF&F. Members nominated worthy works, a winner then determined by jury. The award, which is given out at the
World Science Fiction Convention, is presented to "outstanding science fiction or fantasy (broadly defined) whose plots, themes, characters and/or specific issues reflect the value of personal freedom and human rights, or which seriously or satirically critique tyranny or abuses of power-- especially unchecked government power." For those wishing to congratulate Adam, stop by
his blog.
No connection, we should point out, between Prometheus Books and the Prometheus Award, beyond a fondness for Greek Titans and their ideas.
Update: This is apparently just round one, as the Prometheus Awards have nominees, then select finalists from those nominees, then select a winner.
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