This forthcoming World Science Fiction Convention, on Friday night, August 8th, from 8pm to 11pm, at the Sheraton Denver Hotel ...
We will be hosting a Pyr Party in specific honor of Ian McDonald's Best Novel Hugo nomination for Brasyl,
I say "we" are hosting because my Director of Publicity, Jill Maxick, will be making her first ever convention appearance at this time. (The first official visit from anyone else at my company, though Editorial Assistant Jacinta Meyers did visit Prometheus-local EerieCon last April and wrote up this excellent report.)
Jill will be coming in Friday to help set up for and host the party, and she'll be staying through Sunday morning so that she can attend the Hugo ceremonies as well. (This means that she'll be available all day Saturday if any of the authors, reviewers, critics, bloggers etc... that she deals with would like to take a meeting. Please do! I want it to be worth her time so she'll come again.)
Naturally, the hotel is unable to give me a suite number until check in that Friday morning, but fortunately the Pyr Books Presentation will be held at 5:30 PM that Friday afternoon - so I'll be able to announce the room number to everyone there. And, the Sheraton being the only party hotel, it shouldn't be too hard to find this and every other party, as per always, right? If not, just look for the bald guy running around doing 1,000 different things and ask him where the party is going to be.
How exciting! :-) I'll be sure to be there.