The SFWA® Board of Directors and President Michael Capobianco are pleased to announce that writer and editor Michael Moorcock has been named Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master for 2008. The Grand Master represents SFWA's highest accolade and recognizes excellence for a lifetime of contributions to the genres of science fiction and fantasy.
Mr. Moorcock is the twenty-fifth writer recognized by Science FIction and Fantasy Writers of America as a Grand Master. He joins Robert A. Heinlein (1974), Jack Williamson (1975), Clifford D. Simak (1976), L. Sprague de Camp (1978), Fritz Leiber(1981), Andre Norton (1983), Arthur C. Clarke (1985), Isaac Asimov (1986), Alfred Bester (1987), Ray Bradbury (1988), Lester del Rey (1990), Frederik Pohl (1992), Damon Knight (1994), A. E. van Vogt (1995), Jack Vance (1996), Poul Anderson (1997), Hal Clement (1998), Brian Aldiss (1999), Philip Jose Farmer (2000), Ursula K. LeGuin (2003), and Robert Silverberg (2004), Anne McCaffrey (2005), Harlan Ellison (2006), and James Gunn (2007).
Grand Master Michael Moorcock
City Without End takes Silver Spectrum Award

What do you think?
Meanwhile, long as we're talking about The Entire and the Rose, I've just spotted some very thoughtful, articulate (and spoiler ridden) reviews of Bright of the Sky and A World Too Near up at SF Reviews. Of book one, they say, "If what you crave in your SF is a fresh and dynamic approach to world-building, wed to epic storytelling with believably flawed heroes and vividly imagined alien cultures, and you're frustrated that nobody seems to be bloody doing it, odds are you've been skipping over the Kay Kenyon novels every time you go to the bookstore." Meanwhile, looking at book two, they say, " must be said that at the end of the day, this series, exciting as it's turning out to be, is in many ways pure fantasy formula — just tricked out in the most gorgeous production values imaginable. But who cares if it's formula as long as the entertainment value is blowing your doors, right? A World Too Near is sweet, splendid entertainment. Kay Kenyon will have you solidly hooked with this series, and if you've never had her name down on your reading list before now, it's way past time you added it."
3 Pyr Books on the Best of the Best

"Pride" Makes Nebula Awards Shortlist
- “Unique Chicken Goes In Reverse”, Andy Duncan, (Eclipse 1: New Science Fiction And Fantasy, Jonathan Strahan, Ed., Night Shade Books, Oct07)
- “Titanium Mike Saves the Day”, David D Levine, (F&SF, Apr07)
- “Captive Girl”, Jennifer Pelland, (Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, WS & LWE, Ed., Oct06 (Fall06 issue — #2))
- “Always”, Karen Joy Fowler, (Asimov’s, May07 (Apr/May07 issue))
- “Pride”, Mary Turzillo, (Fast Forward 1, Pyr, February 2007)
- “The Story of Love”, Vera Nazarian, (Salt of the Air, Prime Books, Sep06)
Richard Morgan -- Best Literature Picks of 2007
Kay Kenyon on the Road
Missed seeing Kay? Then you can catch her at one of these:
ConDor, Feb 29-Mar 2, San Diego, CA.
OmegaCon, Mar 13- 16, Birmingham, AL
A Book For All Seasons, Saturday, Mar 22 1:00-3:00, Leavenworth, WA, signing.
Read It Again Books, Monday, Mar 24, 6:30 p.m.
11 Palouse St, Wenatchee, WA (509) 662-2093, signing
University Bookstore, Apr 9, 7:00 p.m., Seattle, WA, signing with Louise Marley also known as Toby Bishop of Airs Beneath the Moon fame.
Readercon, July 17 - 20, Burlington MA
World Fantasy, Oct 30 - Nov 2, Calgary, AB Canada
Moorcock & Picacio in Texas Signing

Austin Books
5002 North Lamar Boulevard
Austin, TX 78751
Austin Books · · (512) 454-4197
Saturday, February 23rd, 4pm-7pm
Erudite, Intriguing, Perceptive & Disquieting
"Despite its pulpish title, this erudite and intriguing novel is more in the tradition of Robert Graves than Edgar Rice Burroughs. ...Judson (Fitzpatrick’s War) chronicles the last glories of the empire as viewed by Black’s illegitimate daughter, whose own rise from unwanted embarrassment to valued adviser and aide parallels her father’s career. The story might be familiar to today’s readers from the film Gladiator, but the parallels it draws between Roman and American cultures are both perceptive and disquieting."
SFFWorld's Favorite Books of 2007

- Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie (105 points)
- The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (96 points)
- Reaper’s Gale by Steven Erikson (63 points)
- Renegade’s Magic by Robin Hobb (54 points)
- The Lies of Locke Lamora* by S. Lynch & The Blade Itself* by J. Abercrombie (41 points)
- The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien (32 points)
- Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch (31 points)
- The Thousandfold Thought* by R. Scott Bakker (28 points)
- The Orphan’s Tales: In the Cities of Coin and Spice by Catherynne M. Valente
Thank you, Lilith. Wait till you get to book two!
Midnight Baseball and the Waldo
Science fiction is often accused of being The Great Predictor. Which predictions did Golden Age science fiction get right? Which ones were way off the mark?
MR: In terms of essentially trivial things, it predicted plastics, night baseball, waldoes, and half a hundred other things early fans used to point to with pride. I think it missed most of our major breakthroughs: the fall of the Soviet Empire, the cure for polio, the huge influx of Hispanics into the USA, the fact that cancer is less of a killer these days and more of a chronic disease, the near-extinction of the passenger trains that made it possible for us to populate the continent, the emergence of HIV, even the proliferation of computers. The most important off-the-mark was the fact that almost no one predicted that once we got into space, reached the Moon, landed on Mars, the public would be totally uninterested and apathetic.
Can You Handle Another Best of the Year List?

Of the latter, they say, "McDonald masterfully explores some key sfnal concepts and pivotal alternative science. Wrap your head around this book if you want to see what truly ingenious science fiction can look like."
Brasyl: Shattering the Plane of the Ecelptic
Locus Online: 2007 SF/F/H Books on Year's Best Lists
Before They Are Hanged: The Wait is Over

Calico Reaction's Favorite Reads 2007
Get in Touch with Your Inner Troll

Meanwhile, Grasping for the Wind has this to say: "Finlay’s exploration of the way humans interact with each other and the effect of war, love and the exotic on the human psyche is fun to read. Written in epic fantasy style, Finlay proves that epics do not have to take twelve volumes, or even a trilogy, to delve into the enigma that is humanity. Finlay writes with a wonderful cadence, inserting action at just the right moments, but allowing his characters time for introspection as well, but never so much has to slow the pace. The ebb and flow of the plot makes The Prodigal Troll a stay up all night read."
ALA's Reading List Awards
A Trio of Pyr Positives
Tomas L. Martin's Darrkeworld posts two Pyr reviews originally destined for SFCrowsnest.
Of The Blade Itself,
Meanwhile, turning to David Louis Edelman's Infoquake,
Thanks, guys!
Update: Jeff Vandermeer comments on his Locus Best of the Year recommendations on Amazon's Omnivoracious blog. Speaking of Bright of the Sky: "This one's for readers who loved Ringworld by Larry Niven but also for fantasy readers who love great fantasy quests. How can that be, you might ask? It's set primarily in a strange alternative universe but also in the future of our universe. I think the cover, in this case, says it all: the book is exotic, beautiful, and daring."
Update Update: Graeme's Fantasy Review also chimes in on Bright of the Sky, calling out the Pat's Fantasy Hotlist review above, and calling the work, "a remarkable beginning to a series that I am looking forward to seeing more of. Great stuff!"