"For the most part, I'm just a jeans and button-down shirt kind of guy. I do like to wear hats. I've got a black fedora that I wear a lot, and it's turned into a nice little bit of marketing. People tend to remember who you are if you're always wearing a distinguishing piece of clothing."
Meanwhile, William Lexner is quite happy with Chris Roberson's Paragaea, as he posts over at

"Roberson dedicates the book to Edgar Rice Burroughs, (Barsoom, Tarzan) Alex Raymond, (Flash Gordon) and David Gerrold. (Land of The Lost, Star Trek, much else) There are obvious nods to each in Paragaea, and each were accomplished quite well. If classic adventure yarns turn your crank, then Paragaea is that one classic tale you've never been able to find in stores or libraries. It's a throwback, a real gem."
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