Here's a whole handful of things worth passing on.
Michael Moorcock is
interviewed on ActuSF. He talks about the genesis of the Sir Seaton Begg character from
The Metatemporal Detective,
as well as the challenge of envisioning Hitler as a character: "I’m interested in political understanding, not what is correct. In fact you HAVE to look at these things if you are doing your job as a writer. You have to ask the unasked questions!"
Kay Kenyon's
A World Too Near,
just out this month, gets a marvelous review courtesy of Jackie Cassada in the
Library Journal:
"Kenyon's sequel to Bright of the Sky
delves deeper into the personalities of her characters. This volume by a strong storyteller with a fresh new approach to fantasy and sf belongs in most libraries."
Meanwhile, Kay's previous novel, Bright of the Sky, was chosen as a staff selection for the Book Group Buzz: A Booklist Blog which makes recommendations (and offers sample discussion questions) for book club. They say, "Kenyon has done a masterful job of world building. Her setting is worth reading about. Her characters are believable. Her plot is intriguing. The tone is somber and mean, and there is little that happens in this first book that is redemptive. Conflict is constant and some of the violence is hard to look at. Did I understand all the science? No. Was that important to me? No. This novel is so accomplished that a reader little interested in the mechanics of the world can still enjoy the universe Kenyon has created.
Would I read the next book in the series? You bet!"
Graeme's Fantasy Book Review takes a look at the first of Joel Shepherd's Cassandra Kresnov novels, Crossover,
His conclusion: "I think the hype has been totally justified...I loved
Crossover and haven’t had as much fun with a sci-fi book in a long time."
Of Science Fiction takes a look at Justina Robson's
Selling Out.
TexasBlueBoy apparently hates series, but he likes this one despite himself: "Ms. Robson's blending of pretty hard sci fi with classic fantasy elements is flawless. Her characters are all flawed in very human ways and therefore approachable if not downright likable. I really hate to admit it, but Pyr has brought out yet another great speculative work that deserves to be read."
No shame in admitting that, now, surely!
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