

2011 Compton Crook Award Finalists

Tome of the Undergates (The Aeons' Gate, Book 1)We just got word today that two of the ten finalists for the 2011 Compton Crook Award are Pyr authors! Sam Sykes has been nominated for Tome of the Undergates and Jon Sprunk for Shadow's Son. We are hugely proud of both authors, and of publishing two of the five nominees.

Shadow's SonThe Compton Crook Awards is presented at Balticon for the best novel in the genre that was published in the year prior to the year of award. The award consists of a check for $1,000 and Guest of Honor treatment for the author of the winning novel for two consecutive years at Balticon. Midnight, April 8, 2011, is the deadline for our members to vote to select the winning novel. 

Congratulations to Sam and Jon! 


  1. First, congratz to Sam for being a finalist. And I also need to thank Lou for helping me bring Shadow's Son to the public.

  2. Congratulations! Happy for both of you!
