

Marjorie M. Liu talks with Clay & Susan Griffith

This morning, the utterly fabulous Marjorie M. Liu has posted an interview to her blog with Clay & Susan Griffith about their just-released novel, The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire Book One). They talk about themselves, the book, and what it's like to be married to your co-author. Marjorie is also hosting a contest giveaway for three signed copies.

Here's a taste:
Can you explain the origins of The Greyfriar, both his pulp antecedents, and the origin of name itself?  A little bird told me that there’s a relation to both the Scarlet Pimpernel and Edinburgh Castle.  Speaking of which, the same little bird also mentioned you have a personal connection to that place.  Care to share? 

We are both avid readers of the pulps, then and now. Let’s face it, there is always something mesmerizing and thrilling to have a hero as big as life and mysterious as hell jumping in to save the day. From the cloaked mask of The Shadow to the Scarlet Pimpernel’s derring-do, The Greyfriar owes his heroic pedigree to a lot of classic heroes. As for the personal connection, Edinburgh holds a special place in our hearts since we were married there fifteen years ago at Greyfriars Kirk. We love that old city and you couldn’t ask for better inspiration.


  1. Thanks for posting this! I'm on my way to check out the whole interview!

  2. Thanks Walter. It's a great interview and Marjorie did a wonderful job with it too.
