

Mike Resnick: World Con Guest of Honor

2012 WorldCon
The Buntline Special: A Weird West TaleThe 70th World Science Fiction Convention, to be held in 2012 in Chicago, Illinois, has just announced their guest list. We are proud as peaches to tell you that Mike Resnick will be the Author Guest of Honor! Mike is, of course, the author of numerous novels, including 11 novels for Pyr, the latest of which is the forthcoming The Buntline Special. The 70th WorldCon will be the seventh held in Chicago, and will be based at the Hyatt Regency from 30 August to 3 September 2012. Congratulations, Mike!

From SFScope:

Mike Resnick has published more than 60 speculative fiction novels and 250 short stories. Resnick's novels include Santiago, The Outpost, the Widowmaker series, and the Starship series. He has edited more than forty anthologies, often supporting new authors, and served as the Executive Editor of Jim Baen's Universe and the science fiction editor for Benbella Books. He has written multiple columns dealing with the business of writing, with his dialogues with Barry Malzberg recently collected in The Business of Science Fiction, one of many non-fiction books he has published. Resnick has won five Hugo Awards and a Nebula Award as well as Japanese, French, Spanish, Polish, and Croatian science fiction awards.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Damn! They forgot to mention that I'm a chick magnet.

    -- Mike

  2. They assumed it was a given.
