

Pyr Comes to the Nook (and B&N eReader)

The first Pyr ebooks are starting to show up at B& for reading on the Nook and their B&N eReader software. In all, there are some 800 Pyr & Prometheus titles that will be up shortly (about 60 of them Pyr - the parent company has been around a lot longer). But for now, you can get Ian McDonald's Cyberabad Days, Mike Resnick's Stalking the Dragon, and Mark Chadbourn's Always Forever (yes, I know that's book three. Books one and two up soon).


  1. Oh awesome! I've been eying several of Ian McDonald's books but trade size doesn't really work for me; I'll be delighted to get them onto my Nook. :)

  2. More should be up soon.

  3. excellent! I like the b&n app for iPad reading, so this is great news :)

  4. I like it too. Just bought Leiber's Swords Against Death on it today.

  5. Any further word on this? I'd really like to read Mark Chadbourn's books, and the Shadows of the Apt series looks very interesting too... but I'm not seeing any progress in their availability on the Barnes&Noble Nook.

    I suppose I could just break down and buy them in DTB form, but I'd really like to have them as eBooks if possible.

    Any word on how much longer before the majority of the Pyr books are available for the Nook?

  6. Hi Trevor,
    I share your frustration. We've authorized B&N to convert the same number of ebooks as we have for the Kindle - over 70 titles - and the speed at which they are going up (or aren't going up) is probably indicative of how overloaded they are. However, we've just produced our first ebooks in house and are looking at ways of delivering these to B&N directly so we aren't limited by the timing (backlog) of the conversion process on their end. Hopefully, we'll have this sorted "soon" but "soon" in publishing is a hurry up and wait prospect, I know.

  7. Hey, thanks for the update Lou, I really appreciate it. I'll wait patiently.

    It's probably a tribute to the quality of Pyr's product that I'm so impatient to buy so many of your books.

    I've almost broken down and just gone and bought them in physical form several times... but my wife would not be amused. I've already exceeded what she considers acceptable amounts of space devoted to bookshelves and stacks of books.


  8. I understand that only too well. All three coffee tables in my office are piled several feet high with books awaiting the purchase of new shelves. And awaiting... and awaiting....

  9. And thank you, btw. Kind words appreciated.

  10. Lloyd4:03 AM

    It's been about 7 months since the original post in this thread. Since there has been no improvement of the selection of Pyr titles at the B&N NOOK store, is there a reason that B&N is not making more of these titles available to their cutomers? I enjoy the Pyr titles and since I've recieved a NOOKcolor for Christmas I'm really wanting to get them in the ebook format. Thanks.

  11. Hi Lloyd,
    Needless to say we are very frustrated. They've had our titles for coming up on a year now and only made 16 available to date. We are looking at ways around this. I'll report back when I know more. We've got 83 up at Kindle and will soon be up at other vendors as well. Doing all we can to get up at B&N. We certainly want to be there.

  12. Thanks for the update Lou. Rest assured that the minute I can buy them in an ePub or othwerise Nook-friendly format, I've got a list of about twenty of your books I'll be purchasing.

    It is just a tad ridiculous that Barnes and Noble still hasn't gotten around to offering them.

  13. More than a tad, and odd, given how well-supported Pyr's physical books are by the chain. But we're working to resolve it and I really appreciate your enthusiasm and support!

  14. Is there some logic to the release of Pyr books on the Nook? I've noticed that the Shadows of the Apt #1 and #4 is out, but not #2 or #3 (I'm waiting on #2, BTW). Also, new releases (i.e., Quantum Gravity #5) are not getting simultanious releases, even though that would seem to be the logical idea.

    I'm starting to get frustrated.

  15. We are converting close to a hundred backlist titles, and unlike many out there, we are proofing them for errors before uploading them. When we catch up, things will flow faster going forward.

  16. Craig5:37 PM

    Thanks for the information. Good to know that the process is progressing.
