

Coming Soon (and Now).. more in the Diving into the Wreck universe

Kristine Kathryn Rusch's Diving into the Wreck is proving to be quite a hit. Portions of the novel had already garnered not one but two Asimov's Readers Choice Awards before the book itself came out. And since Diving appeared, the novel is garnering numerous favorable comparisons to the best of sf film and television, in that it brings back a sense of action and adventure that Rusch herself feels is so often lacking in contemporary SF literature.

So I know quite a few of you will be as excited to learn as I am to announce that  we've just shaken hands on a sequel, City of Ruins, so that fans can follow the further adventures of Boss and her crew. The novel sees Boss dealing with the repercussions of events in Diving, and further expands the universe in which the novel takes place in all sorts of interesting ways. 

Meanwhile, for those wanting to learn more about the Diving universe right now, Rusch's short novel, The Spires of Denon, is out  from Scribd. You can see a preview on their site and buy the whole novel for online reading or download for a measly $1.99.

Check it out.


  1. OMG That's brilliant news!!! I can't wait! So excited! O loved Diving into the Wreck :D

  2. Perfect news for a Friday. Diving Into the Wreck was one of my favorite Sci-Fi reads last year. Will City of Ruins be an early 2011 book?

  3. Thank you both! Too early to confirm schedules - it's not even written yet (though parts of it are) - but early 2011 would be my preferred pub date if possible. And, of course, we're talking to Dave Seeley about another awesome cover.

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    That's next on my reading list.

  5. Sounds great, I really enjoyed Diving into the Wreck.

  6. Thank you! Me, I want someone to make the "Diving" movie.

  7. Can we get an anime version too?
