

For Your Viewing Pleasure: Prince of Storms by Kay Kenyon

Cover Illustration © Stephan Martiniere
Design by Jacqueline Cooke
The fourth, and final, volume in Kay Kenyon's magnificent The Entire and the Rose series, coming January 2010. Plenty of time to catch up on what SFRevu hails as, "the most ambitious epic science fiction series of the current decade. "


  1. Yummy!!!!!

    No surprise at how wonderful & beautiful it is!

    I just wish there was less typography on it.

  2. Hey, I like the typography!

  3. Really stunning. Such a sense of vastness. Also love the delicacy of the colors- which has carried over through the whole quartology.

  4. He's done a good job of evolving it while maintaining consistency. Someone on facebook pointed out that the previous three shows the figure on the left and this moves it right (and I responded that it also brings the POV in closer.)

  5. It strongly keeps theme with the other three covers.

    The use of the figure off center changes the pattern that you look at the picture, in a new and interesting way.

    Clearly, Martiniere has been the perfect artist for this series and this fits with the other three perfectly.

  6. I think it is the best of the series so far. Great positioning although I agree the title could have been a tad smaller. The title is a little overpowering.

  7. Hey, you guys could always buy a print!

  8. It's true.

    I do have two of his books...and I already have one of his prints. (The cover to The Peace War that he did).

  9. I think I may have mentioned, back in the day, that one of the things that first attracted to me to Pyr's books was some of the Martiniere covers you guys used.

    (Proof that good cover art can help sales!)

  10. Ha. I was half-joking, but this is good to hear. And thank you, and yes, I think Stephan's art has put us on a lot of folks radars.

  11. Jvstin, only 1 print & 2 books?

    I have his 3 books & 4 prints.

    I love his art! I just wish he'd update his website with new art as it becomes available more than once a year.

    This cover is also my favourite of the 4.

  12. Three books?

    What's the third besides Quantum Dreams and Quantumscapes?

    And which prints, out of curiosity?

  13. The third book is the one he did for Midway.

    Prints - The Victorian, Angel City, Brasyl, & The Autumn War.
