

TIME magazine on Ian McDonald

Time magazine's Barbara Ehrenreich recommends Ian McDonald's River of Godsin the current issue, in a piece entitled, "Alternative Universes, With a Hindi Glossary."

She says: "I read fiction addictively to get as far out of this flat and blighted 'real world' as I can. When a friend recommended Ian McDonald's River of Gods, I was dubious; 600 pages, including a glossary of Hindi terms? But it worked... There aren't many literary sci-fi thrillers that deliver a mind-expanding metaphysical punch, and this one ended all too soon. But in the afterglow of McDonald's lushly blooming imagination, even the real world is looking better."


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    okay, Ehrenreich's recommendation led me to River of Gods; hurrah! I just finished it.

  2. "Hurrah" that you found it, or "hurrah" that you finished it? It is a long book... ;)
