

A Strong, Compelling Voice

Sandy Amazeen reviews Theodore Judson's The Martian General's Daughteron Monsters & Critics. She writes that "This is not a fast-paced action tale but a more cerebral sci-fi that follows the corruption that comes with absolute power and one man’s attempt to live through it on his own terms. Justa delivers the tale with a strong, compelling voice that belies her lowly status as she moves from an embarrassment to trusted advisor. Certainly this could be taken as a cautionary tale for, as it has been observed, 'Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'"

Meanwhile, I see the book is already shipping from Amazon, I've gotten my copies (gorgeous!), and I expect it will be in stores soon. Get 'em while they're hot!

Booklist's Regina Schroeder says, "Judson’s handling of the fall of empire is most remarkable, given the slimness of the volume, and in Justa he forges a character compelling enough to keep readers from getting lost in the detail."

There's that word "compelling" again.

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