

For Your Viewing Pleasure: Selling Out

The full cover spread for Justina Robson's second Quantum Gravity book, Selling Out.Cover art is by Larry Rostant, design by Grace M. Conti-Zilsberger. And the book? "Just the thing for paranormal and fantasy adventure readers," according to PW. I'm happy.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Awesome. I have the ARC, but I'm totally buying this when it comes out. :)

  2. That's exactly what a good cover does. I get arcs and very often buy the books anyway to have the real thing. I have an arc in front of me right now where I may not buy the read thing cause I don't particularly like the final cover (not gonna say whose, sorry). I sort of enjoying using arcs as the "reading copy - okay to batter" then the hardcover as the one for the shelf.

  3. I love being able to batter an ARC around. I don't feel bad for breaking the spine, or dropping it, or anything other abuse it accidentally-on-purpose goes through. :)

    Would you tell me via email? After all, it's just cover art. ;)
